Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol - A Solo Performance
“The performance brought tears to my eyes. It broke my heart and renewed it … captivating, funny and thought provoking. I will see this again and recommend it for all ages to experience” - Jessica Holcomb, audience member
"Astounding and charming performance... A ‘Carol’ worth singing about... the story has never been so alive and real... ‘A Christmas Carol’ for the ages” - Jack Craib, South Shore Critic
“… nothing saccharine or sentimental about this retelling … gloriously uplifting … make sure not to miss this festive treat.” - Ann Ellison BEM, Artistic Director, The Mission Theatre, Bath
“McGarry’s performance is extraordinary on many counts but one especially; his characters are all so sincere and innocently drawn, that you give yourself over to the story like a child … a magical alchemy absorbs and involves the audience and holds them spellbound” – Beverly Creasey, Boston Arts Review
"McGarry commands the stage in an extraordinary feat of acting, memorization and nerve for a two-hour, two-act production that brings warmth and humor — yes, humor — to the tale of a miserable man learning lessons of caring for your fellow man and keeping Christmas in your heart ..." Kathi Scrizzi Driscoll, Cape Cod Times
“McGarry is a gifted actor... this is a performance well worth seeing” – Mike Hoban, Boston Events Insider
“McGarry deftly and brilliantly performs every character in this Victorian masterpiece... deeply moving... one of the most artistic, creative and energetic performances of the 2014 Boston theater season... an early Christmas gift I will long remember” – Dr. Al Chase, White Rhino Report